Using Shapeless for Data Cleaning in Apache Spark

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When it comes to importing data into a BigData infrastructure like Hadoop, Apache Spark is one of the most used tools for ETL jobs. Because input data – in this case CSV – has often invalid values, a data cleaning layer is needed.Most tasks in data cleaning are very specific and therefore need to be implemented depending on your data, but some tasks can be generalized…

In this post, I’ll not go into Spark, ETL or BigData in general, but provide one approach to clean null / empty values off a data set. This can be used in virtually any Scala project, Spark data-cleaning is only a nice use case to demonstrate it.

The Problem

To describe the problem which needs to be solved, let’s say that we have a Stream of case objects as input. Some optional values in the input case class must be present, so we transform a Stream[A] to a Stream[B] where B is a new case class which contains the same values but maybe not optional:

case class A(normal: String, mandatory: Option[String], opt: Option[String])

case class B(normal: String, mandatory: String, opt: Option[String])

def transform(a: A): Option[B] = ???

val importStream: Stream[A] = ???

val cleaned = importStream.flatMap(transform)

So far, so good. The mandatory field exists in both classes, but in the result B it is not optional. As one can see, the transform function returns an Option[B], which should be None if one of those “mandatory” fields has no value. In that tiny example, the transform method can just be implemented using a simple for-comprehention:

def transform(a: A): Option[B] = for {
  mandatory <- a.mandatory
} yield B(a.normal, mandatory, b.opt)

The Generic Approach

The later transform implementation is very simple and straight forward. That said, nothing speaks against that specific implementation. If you only need this at a single point, and for a more or less small class, stop reading here and use the for-comprehention.

But… Depending on the data, such case classes can be way bigger, having like 50 properties. Or one needs to transform 50 different classes. In that case, a generic function like the following becomes very handy:

def enforceNotNulls[A, B](a: A): Option[B]

Because every case class implements Product, the HList of the Shapeless library can be utilized to do transformations on them. For an example, a trait called PartialProjector is defined:

import shapeless.{::, Generic, HList}

trait PartialProjector[A, B] extends Serializable {
  def enforceNotNulls(a: A): Option[B]

This trait must now be implemented for all types which can be transformed. We’ll use Scalas implicit resolution afterwards to find the right function for the type to be transformed and call them recursively. To start with a simple example, an identProjector instance is implemented, which just maps all input types to options:

object PartialProjector extends LowPrioInstances {

  def instance[A, B](f: A => Option[B]): PartialProjector[A, B] = new PartialProjector[A, B] {
    override def enforceNotNulls(a: A): Option[B] = f(a)

  implicit def identProjector[A]: PartialProjector[A, A] = new PartialProjector[A, A] {
    override def enforceNotNulls(a: A): Option[A] = Option(a)

  def apply[A, B](implicit partialProjector: PartialProjector[A, B]): PartialProjector[A, B] = partialProjector

This example is already usable for simple types like strings:

PartialProjector[String, Option[String]]("foo") // Some("foo")
PartialProjector[String, Option[String]](null) // None

As already mentioned, the apply[A,B] method of the PartialProjector object uses implicit resolution to find a fitting implementation of the trait for the given type A. The instance function is just a helper to instantiate the PartialProjector trait. Because there is only one implicit (the identProjector) which fits every type, results will always be Some(A) unless input is null.

Implementation for Specific Types

As a next step, specific types must be implemented. If, for example, an Option(String) is transformed, the result should not be Some(Some(String)), but Some(String). To achieve that, a second implicit for option types needs to be implemented:

trait LowPrioInstances {
  implicit def identProjector[A]: PartialProjector[A, A] = new PartialProjector[A, A] {
    override def enforceNotNulls(a: A): Option[A] = Option(a)

object PartialProjector extends LowPrioInstances {

  def instance[A, B](func: A => Option[B]): PartialProjector[A, B] = new PartialProjector[A, B] {
    override def enforceNotNulls(a: A): Option[B] = func(a)

  implicit def optProjector[A]: PartialProjector[Option[A], A] = instance {
    case Some(x) => Option(x)
    case None => None

  def apply[A, B](implicit partialProjector: PartialProjector[A, B]): PartialProjector[A, B] = partialProjector

First of all, because the identProjector matches every given type, it was moved to a parent trait LowPrioInstances. As the name suggests, this implicit will only be used, if none in PartialProjector matches. Also, there is a new implicit optProjector which handles Option[Any] types.

Case Classes

To transform case classes, first of all, an implicit for HLists (which is used to generically represent case classes) is needed:

implicit def hConsProjector[H, H0, T <: HList, T0 <: HList](implicit
    hProjector: PartialProjector[H, H0],
    tProjector: PartialProjector[T, T0]): PartialProjector[H :: T, H0 :: T0] = instance(
      hList => {
        for {
          h <- hProjector.enforceNotNulls(hList.head)
          t <- tProjector.enforceNotNulls(hList.tail)
        } yield h :: t

Because a HList has a head and a tail (like Scala lists), the hConsProjector uses two implicits. The first hProjector is an instance to transform the head element. This could e.g be of type String or Option[Int], etc. The second one, tProjector, is an instance to transform the tail, which is another HList. So this will resolve to hConsProjector which is simply a recursive call. For the last, empty tail element (HNil), one could write a hNilProjector, but the identProjector already handles this correctly, so we don’t need one.

Now that the PartialProjector can handle HLists, one more implicit is needed to transform case classes:

implicit def cClassProjector[CC1, CC2, Repr1, Repr2](implicit
    gen1: Generic.Aux[CC1, Repr1],
    gen2: Generic.Aux[CC2, Repr2],
    projector: PartialProjector[Repr1, Repr2]): PartialProjector[CC1, CC2] = instance(
      cc1 => {

This function takes an implicit for generic representations of source and target case classes (gen1 and gen2). The third generic is aprojector to transform the generics, which will resolve to hConsProjector. The method derives an HList from the input case object, runs the transformation on it and instanciates the target case class from the transformation result.


The PartialProjector can now be used like the generic function transform[A,B] in the problem definition to enforce not null / None elements in case classes:

case class A(normal: String, mandatory: Option[String], opt: Option[String])

case class B(normal: String, mandatory: String, opt: Option[String])

def in1 = A("foo", Some("bar"), Some("baz"))
def in2 = A("foo", None, Some("baz"))

def res1: Option[B] = PartialProjector[A, B].enforceNotNulls(in1) // Some(B("foo", "bar", "baz"))
def res2: Option[B] = PartialProjector[A, B].enforceNotNulls(in2) // None

But Spark…

I used some glue-code is SPark to make things easier. The following will load CSV data from HDFS, create a DataSet[A] and transform it to a DataSet[B]:

def importData[A <: Product : TypeTag : NotNothing, B <: Product : TypeTag : NotNothing]
  (name: String, importFun: DataFrameReader => Dataset[Row], filterFun: Dataset[Row] => Row => Boolean = _ => _ => true)
  (implicit spark: SparkSession, projector: PartialProjector[A, B]): Dataset[B] = {
    import spark.implicits._

    val schema = Encoders.product[A].schema

    val reader: DataFrameReader =
    val ds: Dataset[Row] = importFun(reader)
    val filterPred: Row => Boolean = filterFun(ds)
    val filteredDs: Dataset[A] = ds.filter(in => filterPred(in)).as[A]

      mapPartitions( {
        case Some(x) => x


As you may notice, the type arguments need some extra magic, because not all types can be transformed. Given types must implement Product for generic derivation, TypeTag so their type can be determined and finally NotNothig. The later is needed to prevent Nothing bottom type inference. More info about that “type inference hack” can be found in the article or just google “NotNothing”:

import scala.annotation.implicitNotFound

@implicitNotFound("Sorry, type inference was unable to figure out the type. You need to provide it explicitly.")
trait NotNothing[T]

object NotNothing {

  private val Evidence: NotNothing[Any] = new Object with NotNothing[Any]

  implicit def notNothingEv[T](implicit n: T =:= T): NotNothing[T] = Evidence.asInstanceOf[NotNothing[T]]


The importData function makes CSV loading very easy and keeps stuff generic. A simple example call will look like this:

case class RawGroup(id: Option[String], isActive: Option[Boolean], description: Option[String])
case class Group(id: String, isActive: Boolean, description: Option[String])

val import1: DataSet[Group] = importData[RawGroup, Group]("groups", _.
  option("header", "true").
  withColumnRenamed("Strange col N4m€", "colName").
  filter("colName is not null"))

As you may noticed, an additional filter function can be passed, which becomes handy in some cases like filtering duplicates:

val import2: DataSet[User] = importData[RawUser, User]("doctors", _.
  option("header", "true").
  option("delimiter", ";").
  csv("/data/user_*.csv"), rawUsers => {
    import spark.implicits._
    val duplicateUserIds = rawUsers.
      filter($"count" > 1).
      map(x => x.getAs[Long]("userId")).

    row => duplicateUserIds.contains(row.getAs[Long]("userId"))

The Some(null) case

When reading CSV-data to typed DataSet[T], Option[_] fields on nullable columns produce None values, as expected. Sometimes… But under certain conditions – which I am not able to further explain because I don’t know – values can be Some(null) which is basically a fever nightmare when trying to clean up dirty data…

That problem can be solved by implementing another implicit to transform Some(null) to None. But because the implementation will propagate None values, we need to return Some(None) instead of just None. Otherwise, all transformations on case classes containing Option types will result in None instead of Option[B]:

implicit def optOptProjector[A]: PartialProjector[Option[A], Option[A]] = instance {
  case Some(x) => if (x != null) Some(Some(x)) else Some(None)
  case None => Some(None)

Note to myself: I suck at naming things


If you build a fat jar using SBT assembly, which is common for Spark-jobs, please don’t forget to shade the dependent shapeless library, because spark also uses shapeless internally which may conflict otherwise.


Because the transformation depend on the order of properties and not their labels, input and output case classes (A and B) must have the same number of properties in the same order. Of course it is also possible to build the HLists from labelled generics, so the properties with the same name would be mapped. I personally prefer mapping them by order, because by using this variant, properties can also be renamed during transformation.

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